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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thirteen Places Where I Keep Books

  1. Part of the TBR pile. All stuffed under a computer desk that's now a sewing desk in my bedroom.
  2. This is another part of the TBR pile. It's not all that apparent in the photo, but the shelves are meant to hold videos or DVDs.
  3. This basket is beside my night stand. It contains my picks for the month from the TBR pile.
  4. This stack is behind the chair in the bedroom--it's books that have made their way to the top of the TBR pile, but they're part of a series, and I haven't read the previous books in the series yet.
  5. More books TBR on the sideboard in the entryway. These are all from Berkley, bless their hearts. The UPS guy brings them, and they end up sitting right there until I get to them. I don't mix them in with the regular TBR pile, because I figure if they're nice enough to send me free books, I can be nice enough to not let them languish in the TBR pile. I used to stack them in a pile on the computer desk, but...
  6. This is the left side of the computer desk. It's L-shaped, and there are also books crowding the monitor and mouse pad in the center, and more stacked up on the right. They've all been read, except for a stack the next week's reading, the top of which you can see in the bottom left corner of the picture. In general, the keepers are on the right and the non-keepers are on the left, but, well, it's kind of a mess.
  7. A box of non-keepers, in the middle of the bedroom floor. I guess it's supposed to go up in the attic, but it's damn heavy. And what if I figure out somewhere to donate them?
  8. Another CD/DVD shelving unit, this one housing kids' books in my younger son's room.
  9. My stash of erotica--under my side of the bed. There's more than you can see there, but they've gotten kind of kicked around.
  10. The nice bookcase. It matches the dining room furniture we bought last year. We hadn't intended to buy a bookcase, but I couldn't resist. I don't know what I'd do without it--it's got all our reference books and a good number of my hardcovers on it.
  11. My paperback shelves. I have two of these, one at each end of my desk. I love them. They're a combination of my husband's and my ingenuity: each one is two DVD/video shelving units, one upended on top of the other, bolted together, and then anchored to the wall so they don't tip over. Holds paperbacks so you can see all of the titles, without wasted space.
  12. Current morning read. I read to the boys over breakfast every schoolday morning. The current read stays on the table. I think there was somewhere I was going to store it, but I'm too sleepy in the mornings to search for it, so on the table it stays. The other book is there because my son was doing a book report on it. He needs to take care of it.
  13. My reading corner. Favorite place in the house. Unfortunately, books tend to linger on the table there after I've finished reading them. I think it makes it look homey, right?

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
  1. Doug does Cosmo
  2. Tink's highs and lows
  3. Mama Duck: personalized books
  4. vote for Carmen!
  5. Caylynn's treats from Canada
  6. Knitting Maniac smells Bacon
  7. Chaotic Mom: toys
  8. Norma: finances for women
  9. Ma: The Queen's Prayer
  10. K T Cat: lazy day activities
  11. Cheysuli for president
  12. Laura: adoption
  13. Ghost went shopping
  14. what May likes more
  15. Shannon: one vote
  16. MG Braden: randomness
  17. about Tammy
  18. Buttercup visits her family
  19. Julia visits with her sister
  20. Just Expressing Myself: photos
  21. Candy Minx: favorite words
  22. Keltybug: sick kids
  23. Christine's Life List
  24. Brony: how to help
  25. Jenny Ryan: Jim Gaffigan lines
  26. Sparky: races to watch
  27. Nathalie: golden oldies
  28. Trish: bad URLs
  29. You're next!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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Aaah, my kind of home with books everywhere!! A fun way to find a new home for books is BookCrossing (www.bookcrossing.com).
Thanks for visiting my TT!
Ah, sounds like my house ;). Got to love it!
have you read them all? :)
Lots and lots of books. :) You should have seen our place before we moved to Germany and put most of our books into storage - we had tons of bookshelves, boxes full of books, books everywhere. :)

Thanks for stopping by and happy T13. :)
That THAR is a LOT of books!

Thanks for stopping by!
Heh. The thing is, I left over half my books in Texas.
OH MY GOODNESS! Your house looks like OURS! ;)

I've posted my Thursday Thirteen, too. Enjoy!
I'm a retired librarian, but you are a library! This is amazing. Erotica under the bed. Hmmmm.

Thanks for visiting my TT.
That's alot of books! I thought my son-in-law had a lot of books, but he don't have half of what you got. and he's got alot!

thanks for stopping by.
You must be hoping for some serious medical advances for life extension! :-)

My TT is up.
Oh I think you've managed to surpass the Human male and the Woman in my home!
whoaaaa! that's a lot of books!
i LOVE your reading corner.
thanks for visiting my tt this week.
I thought I was terrible, Darla, but you...you are much much worse.

At least the stacks of books on the bed (I put them on the floor when I sleep and put them back on the bed when I leave the house in the morning so my mom doesn't howl), under the bed, under the table, on the table (there are 3 stacks hmm), on the bureau, on the dressing table and on the bedside table average out to about a dozen each. LOL.
You have about as many books as I do!

I actually made a coofee table out of books!

Have a great Thursday!
Whoa and I thought I had a lot of books. I tend to freecycle those that are not keepers or give them to Big Brothers. Since we moved, however, we have a lot of books in boxes and no shelves to put them in since our last house had built-in shelving. Sigh.

I blogged a bit about my TBR on my Thursday 13 here http://mgbraden.blogspot.com/2006/11/thursday-thirteen.html
holy moly thats a lot of books!!
Oh my goodness, That's a lot of books! I love your reading corner. I want one!!
Hey Darla!

WOW when you said you have LOT of book in your TBR pile, you REALLY meant it...*LOL*...I love your reading corner though, it seem to have a nice warm feel place :)

Mine books are all over my bedroom. I only have two bookshelves for all the keeper, three tote bags for the TBR piles and a stack of book piling up on the floor next to my bed for more TBR pile *grin*
I have books everywhere too. Under the bed, on shelves, stashed on shelfs and in suitcases.
And isn't it strange to go into a home with no books lining the walls?
Thanks so much for visiting.
That was sucha brilliant set of photos and theme for this weeks TT, you're a genius! And it was entertainign as heck, I was laughing at the various solutions to book storage very nice!

Here is mine:

Holy Smokes I thought I had alot of books. I would be in heaven looking through your books
Oh my goodness!You do have a lot of books.
Thanks for all the great ideas on how to store mine.
Enjoy the rest of your Thursday!
Wow. You have an amazing collection of books.

Happy TT!
Holy Cow, got enough books???
:::claps hands hysterically:::

This is GREAT!!!
I love books!
Thanks for dropping by at my TT!
Awesome! Love books! I donate my non-keepers to the library, or to the schools near me. :)

Thanks for visiting my TT!
I like the way you're doing your links. I see more and more TT-ers who are not linking. Thanks. And this is still the most amazing TT I've seen in a long time. So I'm back for a second visit!
Thanks, Norma! It was useful, too--going around snapping pix of all those books made me think hard about what to do with them. :)
OMG! That's a lot of books, Darla! Perhaps I should forward this link to my hubby, because he is always complaining that I have lots of books until there isn't any place to put them. ;-)

I have two bookshelves (mostly TBR piles), two big boxes (read + keepers) and another four TBR piles stacking on our study table. (Originally hubby named them 'the twin towers' but have stopped calling them since there are four now).

BTW, love your reading corner! Very cozy. :)
No kidding. At least making the list did prompt me to try to do something about the books--I just posted a list of 100 books on Freecycle. Crossing my fingers that I'll get some takers.
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