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Thursday, June 01, 2006

13 TV Series

Thirteen TV Series I have on DVD

I don't watch TV. We've got AFN and German satellite TV, and there's really nothing on I want to watch. Instead, I watch one episode a night of whatever series we're currently watching as a family and that's it. AFN is one of those things that's going to show up on my eventual "13 things I hate about living in Germany" list. Anyway, here are 13 of the series we have on DVD.

  1. 3rd Rock from the Sun. We've got the first 2 seasons, and haven't actually watched any of them yet. Still, John Lithgow and Jane Curtin. Comic goodness.

  2. Angel. All 5 seasons. I actually watched this before I watched Buffy. I'm thinking the first episode I watched was somewhere in the middle of season 2, possibly Reprise, the 15th episode of that season. Carl had been watching it for a few weeks and finally said "hey, you ought to check this out." Horribly confusing at first--still, it didn't take long to get hooked.

  3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. All 7 seasons. Boy, did I resist watching this. At first, I was convinced that it was just another teen angst show, like Beverly Hills 90210 and its ilk. Even when people whose taste I normally respected recommended watching it, I chalked it up to an aberration. It wasn't until a couple of things happened that I started watching it: watching the last half of season 2 of Angel, and finding out that not only did my friends watch it, but my favorite authors did, too: Nora Roberts, Jennifer Crusie, and Jim Butcher. So we started watching the reruns and finally got up to speed for season 6.

  4. Dark Angel. Both seasons. Damnit. Sure, the virus thread got a bit tiresome in the second season, but it picked up again.

  5. Firefly. My kids both have "Joss Whedon is my master now" T-shirts. Wonderful example of how a fabulous series can be completely destroyed by a network. The movie was great, but I'm still bitter.

  6. Get a Life. Volumes 1 & 2. Only 8 episodes out of 2 seasons. We watched this back when Fox was a new network and had some of the cleverest, most innovative shows on TV. I'm still waiting for them to release the whole thing. And Herman's Head, too. Wish I could remember some of the other series from that time--I know there were a couple more I really liked.

  7. Greg the Bunny. The Fox series. We started watching this because of Seth Green, and stayed (for the short period of time it was on--argh) because it was a damn cute show.

  8. Lost. Season 1. Another kicking and screaming one. In my defense, the first show the C's tried to get me to watch (when it was actually on AFN Prime instead of being moved to one of the satellite channels) was the 3rd one, and I was so... heh... lost that I couldn't get into it and gave up. We're currently watching the DVDs and I'm getting hooked, though I'm still a bit suspicious that whatever it is in the forest is just a contrivance to keep the characters from going off on their own. I'm assured that's not the case, but.... okay, it's a case of hype. I'm predisposed to find something to dislike about anything that everybody is raving about.

  9. MacGyver. Season 1. Season 2's been ordered. I used to watch this all the time. Loved all the clever scientific stuff. Did not remember the acting was so horrible. Or that some of the scientific resourcefulness was just damn silly--spending 20 minutes creating an elaborate noisemaker to delay the bad guys for about 30 seconds. Uh-huh. Anyway, hope springs eternal, so I ordered the second season anyway. If nothing else, the C's can MST3K it the way they did the first season. When I want to get back at the boys, I inform them that I gave them both MacGyver haircuts when they were little. Heh.

  10. Moonlighting. Season 1. Bruce Willis with hair! And the best banter ever. Only watched the pilot episode so far, and the boys were unimpressed. So the deal is, I give Lost a chance, and they'll give Moonlighting a chance. Seems fair to me.

  11. Quantum Leap. Season 1. Haven't started watching this one yet, but I'm hoping it lives up to my memories of it better than MacGyver did. This is another show that Carl started watching before I did, and that I was horribly confused by at first. Later on, I tried to start watching shows from the beginning, but that got way too depressing when the ones I liked kept getting cancelled after just a few episodes.

  12. She Spies. Season 1. I'll get season 2, if/when it comes out on DVD, but it's Season 1 that's brilliant. Things like them driving around in a jeep and swerving to avoid a "plot hole," and complaining about why they always have to wear tight bodysuits and spike heels when sneaking around. In season 2, they tried to turn it into Charlie's Angels, taking away all the wonderful snarkiness that made it unique, and it was understandably cancelled. God, I hate network executives.

  13. Sledge Hammer. Both seasons. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing." Sarcastic, over-the-top, my kind of show. Do they even make shows like this anymore? Yeah--She Spies was kind of in the same vein, and you see what happened to that.
There are more--but the other ones are mostly the ones the C's watch.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

  1. It's Mummy's birthday!
  2. Twiga's to-do-someday list
  3. Scrappy Gal's busy week
  4. Doug's 13 thirteens
  5. Things about Miladyinsanity
  6. What Mar's done lately
  7. What Jackie enjoys
  8. Karen shows parts of her home

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Disciplined TV watching...good for you!! I wish I could do that!!

I liked Third Rock from the SUn...but only once it went into syndication. Not sure why!
It's not hard to be disciplined when there's nothing to watch. :)
I love, love, love Lost. But that's just my opionion. let me know what you think as you get further. We've been watching Quantum Leap on DVD through Netflix. I never saw the originals, but caught the re-runs on the Sci-Fi channel. Decided I wanted to watch them in order. We're on Season 2 so far.
You're not alone in loving Lost.

And thank goodness for Netflix. Otherwise I'd have spent a lot more $$ on DVDs than I have already.
Yeah, I love Netflix.
In response to your comment regarding II Corinthians 4 - that is probably my favorite passage in the Bible. I like the verses talking about having treasure in jars of clay and that we look on things that are not seen.
I agree with you about Firefly!! I hope they somehow bring that show back!!

Where can I get that tshirt for myself? :)
Thanks for the explanation, Twiga!

OSG: Here's where I bought them: Think Geek
Ack! Too much TV. But this makes me wonder if Dead Like Me is available on DVD. Ever see it?
I watch some German TV (we have satellite) in the evening, got hooked on Grey's Anatomy and all too soon the 1st season was over :(
Have never watched Lost... Happy thursday, happy bday to your son!
I like Firefly and LOST too (watched/watching them both on DVD). I wish I could watch German TV (if I'm going to watch TV) 'cause at least that way I'd get some practice. I'll have to check out the book you recommended btw.
Nope, can't say that I've ever seen Dead Like Me. Yep, it's on Amazon. Are you recommending it?
Mar, for some reason, the only things I watch on German TV are occasional documentaries. We did actually start watching Lost on German TV, but kept forgetting when it was on. The DVDs solved the problem.
I'm a huge Angel fan. we've got 3 of the seasons. could watch it all the time. used to watch Buffy, but got out of it when Buffy went to college- had a lot of sex, which isn't a bad thing usually, but the boys were at the age it was embarrasing to watch together. anyway. I bet Macgyver would be fun to own.
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